
Math Schedule

Third Grade

Monday through Friday 9:40

Fourth Grade

Monday through Friday 10:40

Fifth Grade

Rotating Schedule (Days 1 & 3) 12:00

Monday through Friday 1:00

Online Access to Math Textbooks

Think Central

Forgot your math homework?

Have no fear, Think Central is here!

Click on the image to the right to login

and access student textbook, workbook,

or the virtual manipulative tool.

Login Info:

State: Minnesota

District: State Operated School

School: Seven Hills Classical Academy

Username: FirstnameLastname (student)

Password: 7Hills

Sumdog Online Access

Sumdog: engaging adaptive learning

Sumdog provides engaging adaptive learning for math.

Our powerful learning engine adapts questions for each individual. It's aligned to the Common Core and key state standards. Meanwhile, engaging activities motivate all students to learn.

Our aim is to close the achievement gap - by helping every student reach their full potential.