Important Information

3rd Grade Expectations

To School: Each day, students should bring their water bottles, planners and communication folders, their C.A.R.E.S., their willingness to learn, and a positive attitude! Students are asked to adhere to the SHPA uniform policy! Please consult the SHPA Parent Handbook for an updated version!

Communication Folders/Planners/Signatures: Students should keep track of their planner and take home folder (we will be using them daily). Our planners are a wonderful source of communication. Parents and guardians, please look for the AMA (ask me about) section in your student’s planner. In this section students will write down something they have learned and this will give you an opportunity to talk with your student about the topic listed. The students will write their assignments in their planner daily, and show you nightly to earn your signature. Signatures will not be mandatory this year, but are highly recommended. Signatures may also be required for a student due to incomplete homework as the year progresses. Signatures may become mandatory if necessary.

Communication Folders will hold homework or important information to be taken home to either be kept at home or completed and returned. Notes to the classroom teacher may either be written in your student’s planner or put in their folders.

Homework: Please complete homework in pencil. Math homework will usually consist of a selected section of a workbook that our math curriculum provides, and possibly some supplemental work that comes home when necessary. Students will also be bringing home a letter explaining IXL along with their login information. This is a math website that we will use for practice and homework. The letter will have website information and password information.

For reading homework students are expected to spend 30 minutes reading each evening. This could include independent reading, time you spend reading to your child, or reading that occurs naturally throughout the day (ie. reading recipes, street signs, reading signs at grocery stores, playing games, etc.) We will be sending home a homework contract for the parents and students to sign and bring back to school.

Water bottles/Healthy Snack: Each day your student should bring their water bottle to school. We believe it is important for students to stay hydrated in order for the most learning to take place. Students may bring a small, health snack for the afternoon. Please refer to the school wide snack list for nut free items. Any snack not on the approved list will not be allowed in class and will be sent home unopened.

Birthdays: Third Grade loves to read AND celebrate birthdays! To honor your student’s special day, we welcome them to bring in their favorite age appropriate book to read to the class. They may then take home or donate, the book, to our classroom library! If your child has a summer birthday, please let me know if/when you would like to celebrate during the school year. Please do not send a birthday snack to school.

Classroom Expectations: During the first week of school, all third grade classes discuss what we want our class communities to look like, sound like, and feel like. We collaborate together so that all community members have a say in what matters most to them to ensure our space is inclusive, welcoming, and fun for everyone.. Each student and teacher signs the classroom promise and expectations to show our commitment to them throughout the year.

Volunteers: One of the things we love about Seven Hills is the enthusiasm and desire of parents to volunteer in our classroom and we are so appreciative of the time and energy that you share with all of us. Volunteer opportunities will be available throughout the school year and those opportunities will be communicated by us or a volunteer coordinator. If there are special things that you can do (talents, hobbies, jobs, abilities) that you wish to share with the class, please do not hesitate to let us know. Please be sure to read the updated policy for volunteering in the Parent Handbook.