
Course Overview:

Through our exploration of literature from around the world, 8th grade English students will be reading and reflecting on literature selections that focus on themes we encounter in our lives. In this class we will make connections between literature and ourselves, develop our reading, writing, critical thinking, and speaking skills, and strengthen our vocabulary and grammar knowledge. We will learn to analyze literature, to read for deeper meaning, and to think critically about what we read. We will build upon our knowledge of narrative, persuasive, analytical and informative writing styles, while learning to incorporate clearly defined thesis statements, textual evidence, smooth transitions, and various organizational strategies into our writing. Our intention in 8th grade English is to prepare for high school, college, and beyond.

Course Objectives:

1. To improve overall reading, writing, and critical thinking


2. To expand our knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar.

3. To maintain effective study habits and organizational skills.

4. To gain a strong foundation in English for uses in future

classes and endeavors.

5. To foster an appreciation for literature and reading.