iPad Acceptable Use Policy

SSCS Student iPad Acceptable Use Policy

The purpose of the iPad Program at Sharon Springs Central is to provide educational tools and resources  for students in our technologically advanced society, so they can develop the skills, habits and knowledge  to fully participate in society. Excellence in education requires that technology is seamlessly integrated  throughout the educational program. The individual use of iPads is a way to empower students to  maximize their full potential and to prepare them for college and the workplace. 

With the distribution of iPads to students in grades K-12 (with students in 6- 12 taking the devices home),  we have embarked into new territories of learning and individual responsibilities. This includes  maintaining the proper balance between fulfilling academic requirements and recreational use of the iPad  for purposes games and additional means of communication. While student use of the internet will be  filtered through the Lightspeed Systems, they may still gain access to online games and music. This  access can be rescinded, if deemed necessary, during the course of the school year. Again, the iPads  remain district property, and students do not have an expectation of privacy on the devices.  

All SSCS iPads must be kept secure in an approved, protective case always. The district provided case is  the basic black Otterbox Defender. Should a teacher or staff member witness the iPad out of its protective  case, it will be confiscated and turned over to the technology department. Additionally, if at any point,  the school issued case becomes damaged by a student to the point where the technology department feels  it no longer protects the iPad, the iPad will be secured by the district until such time a new case is  purchased by the student, or the damage fee is paid. Any individual cover must be on the pre-approved  list provided by the district and must include a cover for the screen.

To ensure the good working condition of my school issued iPad: 

As proposed by the student council, 6th, 7th and 8th graders who achieve a 90 or better overall academic  average for the quarter will, with signed parental permission, receive limited App Store access. Should  the average then drop down below a 90, App store access and downloads will be removed for the  following quarter. 

SSCS Parent/Guardian iPad Policy 

By signing the SSCS Student Handbook Acknowledgement Agreement, I release Sharon Springs Central  School and its personnel from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my child’s use  of, or inability to use the school technology, including but not limited to claims that may arise from the  unauthorized use of the iPad to purchase product or services. 

I understand that it is impossible for Sharon Springs Central School to restrict access to all controversial  materials, and I will not hold the school responsible for materials accessed on the network. I also agree to  report any inappropriate iPad use to the school administration. 

I accept full responsibility if and when my child’s use of technology is not in the school setting and  understand that my child is subject to the same rules and agreements while not in school. 

I accept that I am responsible to pay for the $50.00 deductible for the first claim on the Sharon  Springs Central provided insurance, and will be subject to pay an additional $100.00 deductible for each successive claims (i.e. 2nd claim would be $150.00 and 3rd claim would be $250.00).

I have read and understand the information contained in this document and agree to abide by the rules set  forth in this document.