Mrs. Field

ELA Grade 8, 10, 11, Creative Writing

Our Learning Schedule

Password: SSCS

Google Meet Expectations: Respect & Responsibility

  • Be on time: Use the links above digitally enter class through Zoom a few minutes prior to the scheduled time. Use your school issued G-Suite username and password (contact for this information). I will let you into the meeting from the waiting room by the time class begins. Attendance is taken daily.
  • Be prepared: Make sure your iPad is charged, camera is on, use headphones (if you have them), have your class materials in your work area, and only have apps open that you will need for class.
  • Participate: Actively participate in the lessons by being attentive and focused on the lesson (only open apps and tabs I direct you to, and put away all other devices). You will be required to turn on your video, use the audio function and/or share your screen.
  • Presentation: Wear school appropriate clothing (the dress code is in effect and parents will be contacted if inappropriate attire is worn). Sit up straight. Use a camera angle and view that is focused on your face at eye-level. Make sure the camera is stabilized and does not move during the lesson.
  • Communication: Look into the camera when speaking. Speak clearly. Stay on topic (no side conversations). Use the chat feature only when I ask you to and in the way I describe.
  • Be Respectful: Adhere to the other-people-matter mindset. Be considerate and kind. Embrace differences as an opportunity to learn and grow, expanding your perspective.
  • No Eating: While class is in session, you should not eat, as it is a distraction to other learners.
  • Use a Quiet Space: Check your surroundings, and make sure the area you are working in is quiet.
  • Mute Yourself: Mute yourself when I am speaking or another student is speaking.

In-Person Rules: Respect & Responsibility

  • Be on time: Attendance is taken daily.
  • Hygiene: Sanitize your hands prior to entering each classroom and as you exit. If you use the bathroom, scrub your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Be prepared: Make sure you have a clean mask, a pen, a sharpened pencil, & paper each day for class. Make sure your iPad is charged, turn off the Wi-Fi and bluetooth, and only have apps open that you will need for class. 
  • Participate: Actively participate in the lessons by being attentive and focused on the lesson (only open apps and tabs I direct you to, and put away all other devices). 
  • Masks: For your safety, your peers' safety, my safety, and the safety of our school, wear your mask if you are asked to.
  • Effort: Always do your best!  You will get MY best effort, therefore, it is my expectation to receive yours.
  • Be Respectful: Adhere to the other-people-matter mindset. Be considerate and kind. Embrace differences as an opportunity to learn and grow, expanding your perspective.  My class is a safe zone.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, please don't be disrespectful to others if they are different from yours.

Daily Menu and Club Schedule