Gifted Support Services

Services available at the high school level include:

      • Access to the gifted support classroom
      • Access to multiple college and career resources
      • Independent study
      • Enrichment and extension opportunities
      • Learning contracts with classroom teachers in area(s) of giftedness,
      • Corollary projects and differentiated instruction in the regular education classrooms as benefits the identified area(s) of giftedness.
      • Cluster groupings
      • Independent project opportunities
      • Consultative services for classroom teacher for specific needs of gifted students.
      • Mentoring for gifted child
      • Virtual Field Trips
      • Collaboration among like-minded students
      • Competitive opportunities in the areas of science, math, writing, history, art, and more!
      • Dual enrollment

Services available at the middle school level include:

      • Cluster groupings
      • Accelerated courses
      • Independent project opportunities
      • In-class differentiation with support from gifted support teacher
      • Consultative services for classroom teacher for specific needs of gifted students.
      • Mentoring for gifted child
      • Enrichment and extension offerings
      • Virtual Field Trips
      • Collaboration among like-minded students
      • Project and Problem Based learning
      • Competitive opportunities in the areas of science, math, writing, history, art, and more!
      • Gifted Seminar

Services available at the elementary school level include:

      • Cluster Grouping
      • In-class differentiation with support from the gifted support teacher
      • Curriculum compacting
      • Flexible grouping
      • Enrichment and extension offerings
      • Independent projects

Gifted Support is not a program.

It is a planned series of offerings and experiences designed to support gifted and talented students in their areas of academic strength and interest.