White Cane Day

White Cane Safety Day is a national observance in the United States, celebrated on October 15 of each year since 1964. The date is set aside to celebrate the achievements of people who are blind or visually impaired and the important symbol of blindness and tool of independence, the white cane.

These shirts are to support and raise awareness to students and adults who use White Canes.

ALL proceeds of t-shirt sales benefit the Pennsylvania Regional Braille Challenge!



Anna and student in red shirts talking to class
Anna and student in red shirts talking to class
Anna handing out blind folds to students
Student in red shirt talking to classmate while classmate is blindfolded
Anna speaking to class with powerpoint displayed behind her that reads Ordinary
2 students in red shirts doing a cane simulation down the hallway
Group pictures of students and staff wearing red White Cane Day shirts that read, It's a Cane not a stick!




White Cane Day 2016