Frequently Asked Questions

What are the attendance expectations for Wilson Virtual Academy?

What does the Wilson Virtual Academy look like?

The Wilson Virtual Program is an asynchronous virtual program.  An Asynchronous  Model - allows the learner to work and learn on their own time frame. You can access and complete lectures, readings, homework and other learning materials at any time during a one- or two-week period. A big benefit to asynchronous classes is, of course, the flexibility.  Wilson Virtual Academy is an alternative to face-to-face instruction.  It is offered for students in grades 4-12.

Who teaches the on-line courses?

We contract services for the content from a company called Edgenuity. They are a leader in online content.  In grades 4-5 we will use the Brandywine Virtual content per course and it will be fully supported by content certifified teachers from Wilson  School District or Brandywine Virtual.

 In grades 6-8 we will use the Brandywine Virtual content and students will be supported in the content areas by teachers from  Wilson School District who are certified in the content areas of Math, Reading Science and Social Studies.  

In grades 9-12 we will use the Brandywine Virtual content per course and it will be fully supported by content certificated teachers from Wilson School District or Brandywine Virtual

What are my responsibilities as a parent?

Parents at all levels are expected to be “Academic Success Coaches” for their children in this program.  Parents are expected to assist their children with work and reach out to their Teachers (Grades 4 - 12).

What is the difference between asychronous and synchronous learning?

Asynchronous learning allows students to access materials, ask questions, and practice their skills at any time that works for them. Synchronous learning requires simultaneous/live attendance at scheduled meetings or lessons.  WVA is ASYNCHRONOUS learning.

Does a virtual student get a laptop?

Yes– a district-issued Chromebook will be provided and the WSD Acceptable Use Policy is still in place for a WVA student.  Students without Chromebooks can pick up their device at their currently assigned school building. Please contact the office staff for assistance.

Can a virtual student transfer back to the brick and mortar school?

We would like virtual students in grades 4-12 to commit to one semester (mid January 2023) since courses are divided into semesters.  A student can drop a course up to 10 days after enrollment, after that time frame, a student will need to stay in the course through the end of the semester.

Are special services provided?

Yes, if your child receives services through an IEP or GIEP, they will need to report to their home school for those services.  Special Education Services will be delivered in a face-to-face instructional setting.   

How will a GIEP learner be supported? 

Students receiving support through a GIEP would still be able to receive supports as designed by the GIEP team either virtually or in person. 

Will the school provide technology/WiFi for learners in remote?

If internet access is needed, please contact your student's building office, as we have solutions for this situation. Please also note, Comcast Internet Essentials brings affordable, high-speed Internet to households so you can have greater access to remote learning.

Students without Chromebooks can pick up their device at their currently assigned school building. Please contact the office staff for assistance.

Will there be a training class for guardians on the technology and software?

There will be communications provided to the students regarding how to access the content which they can share with their guardians. Students are expected to complete the orientation course before they begin their virtual course work.

Who do I contact for technical issues?

Our Technology Department is responsible for supporting the devices. Email:  Phone: 610-670-0180  ext. 1101

Who do I contact for instructional issues?

In Grades 4- 12, the Teacher from Brandywine Virtual or Wilson School District will be the first point of contact,  if more assistance is needed the Administrators in the Office of Teaching and Learning.

What does a typical day look like for a virtual student?

Full time virtual students in grades 6-12 will have 6-7 courses in their schedule. Each course should take approximately 60 minutes per subject per weekday.  4-5 students will have their 4 cores and one special, if wanted. A time commitment of approximately 3 hours per day is optimal.  Secondary students will have content specialists.

How do students socialize with other students?

Since this is an asynchronous educational program, student socialization will be done outside of the realm of a traditional setting. As a member of the Wilson School District you will have access to all of your local school building clubs, athletics, and social activities.

Can my child work at their own pace?

Yes, in an asynchronous environment a student is expected to complete their coursework independently as much as possible, but we have supports, as outlined above, at each level to assist students in being successful.  

Will virtual students be able to move ahead in their courses?


Must the virtual student log in a certain time each day?

No.  The content is available 24/7.

Can a parent go in after they get home from work to check on work completed?

Parents may sign up for Parent Portal access and be emailed a progress report on a weekly basis.

What is the cost for students to attend WVA?

How do I register my student for WVA?

An email to your School Counselor will start the process.  School Counselors need to make sure the courses are aligned with their graduation pathway.  Guardians with students in grades 4-5 need to contact their home building office to start the process. 

What courses are available?

WVA Courses - high school, middle school and elementary virtual class offerings. 

Does a WVA student follow Wilson's school calendar?

Yes, a WVA student is required to log in on each day school is in session.

Is a WVA student required to take state-mandated assessments?

Yes, the student will report to their home building to take the exams.

Can students participate in extracurricular activities?

Yes.  Students can come to the school campus for these activities

Will I be able to switch my child back to face-to-face learning if things aren't working?

As a district we will have an add/drop period of 8 school days.  After that we are asking for students to commit to WVA for a full semester.