
School Resources

Web Resources

Museum of Tolerance

Yad Vashem

Other Holocaust Information

Children During the Holocaust

Children were especially vulnerable in the era of the Holocaust. The Nazis advocated killing children of “unwanted” or “dangerous” groups

Life in the Shadows: Hidden Children and the Holocaust

Some children survived because they were hidden. These are their stories.

Americans and the Holocaust

This exhibition examines the motives, pressures, and fears that shaped Americans’ responses to Nazism, war, and genocide

Voices of the Holocaust

Hear more about individual testimonies and experiences during the Holocaust

Survivors Telling Their Stories

Read, watch, and listen to student interviews of elders who witnessed key historic events of the 20th century

Hiding to Stay Alive

Scroll through the site to hear how the survivors hid and lived on

USC Shoah Foundation

Providing visual history archives to develop empathy, understanding, and respect

Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive

A unique and accessible site filled with Holocaust survivor stories

Survivor Stories

Ernest and Elisabeth Cassutto
Story of survival is told by their son George.

Geoffroy de Clercq
Tells his story of surviving Buchenwald.

Lucille E.
Gives a lengthy, detailed, and personal account of her life before the war in Germany, during the war, living in several concentration camps, and in her life in America, after liberation.

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