Languages Other Than English (LOTE)

French (9y program)

The French 10, 20 and 30 courses are the continuation of the Nine year program of study started by students in their grade 4 year. Students are empowered to communicate in the language while exploring the francophone culture.

Knowledge of the  French language offers innumerable personal and academic benefits that easily translate into expanded career and life opportunities. As such, the overarching goal of this program is to help students become sufficiently competent in French so that they can function in the language and culture outside of the classroom. Edmonton Public Schools has been accredited by the Commission Nationale du DELF et DALF in France as an examination centre for the DELF (Le Diplôme d’études en langue française). Students who take the DELF examination will receive an international diploma officially awarded by the French Ministry of Education in acknowledgment of this language milestone. 

Japanese  (3y program)

The Japanese program is for beginner students who will learn to speak, listen, read and write in Japanese. Students will use a variety of digital and nondigital resources as they complete courses in Japanese 10, 20, and 30. Students will learn about Japan, the people and the culture. They will be given opportunities to experience authentic Japanese culture through field trips, meetings with Japanese people and watching media. Students are given the opportunity to participate in virtual and in person exchange opportunities in Japan.

German (3y program)

Guten Tag!  Servus!  Moin, moin!  German Language and Culture 3Y program is intended for students with no or little previous instruction in German. Students will develop their proficiency in all four language skills: oral and written production and reading and listening comprehension. The learning of German develops sensitivity to cultural and linguistic diversity as well as better awareness of the student’s first language. The course is taught in a conversational style giving students the ability to use German in everyday situations and increasing confidence as a speaker. Many aspects of culture are included and celebrated!  Prost! Helau!

Spanish  (3y program)

¡Bienvenidos! Spanish Language and Culture 3-Y program is intended for students with little or no previous instruction in Spanish. Students will develop their proficiency in all four language skills: oral and written production and reading and listening comprehension. The learning of Spanish develops awareness of, and sensitivity to, cultural and linguistic diversity. The focus is on building the students’ confidence while using the language in everyday situations.