Visual Arts

The Visual Arts Program at Harry Ainlay provides students with a dynamic, and supportive learning environment to explore both traditional and contemporary ways of creating art. Students will explore a variety of media and will be exposed to valuable lessons in drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, design, art history, and criticism. Upon completion of this program, students are prepared to enter institutions of higher education. Many have earned entrance in post-secondary Fine Arts and Design programs, as well as scholarships for advanced study.

Art 10

Foundational year where essential skills and techniques are explored through an assortment of media. Introduction to Art history. 

Art 20

Further development of skills and techniques through storytelling and personal thematic visual exploration. Introduction to critical analysis of art and research of Art history.

Art 30

Independent exploration of a chosen theme facilitated by the teacher. This final year in the program emphasizes the mastery of an assortment of media and preparation for an exhibition.