Satellite High School 



About the Orchestra

The Orchestra program at Satellite is notable for multiple performances at National Competitions including three ASTA National Orchestra Festival performances in 2022, 2020, and 2018 and the Music for All National Orchestra Festival in 2015, the most robust chamber music program in Brevard County, and annual superior ratings at District Ratings Festival.

Satellite High boasts five levels of Orchestra including the flagship Symphonic Orchestra, elite Chamber Orchestra, advanced New Orchestra, intermediate Philharmonic Orchestra, and entry-level Concert Orchestra. Satellite is notable for being one of only a rare few schools to have a daily Symphonic Orchestra as part of it's string curriculum.

The Orchestra program is comprised of over 150 student musicians and directed by three critically acclaimed music educators


About the Students

Multiple Satellite Orchestra Students are annually selected for Florida All-State Orchestras, continuing a multi-decade tradition of consistent All-State Selections.

 Satellite High school annually ranks as the most selections for the Brevard All-County Orchestra.

Satellite Orchestra students participate heavily in Solo and Ensemble festival, making up the greatest number of participants and events in Brevard County.

By student enrollment, the Satellite High School Orchestra program is the largest in Brevard County.

SHS Orchestra students regularly participate in multiple orchestras both in-school at Satellite and throughout Brevard County with various Youth Orchestras and other extra-curricular ensembles.


About the Directors

The Music Directors of Satellite High School have been working together for nearly ten years, making their team one of the longest tenured groups of music educators in Brevard County. Their experience exceeds fifty combined years of teaching. Each music director is an active performer throughout the Space Coast.

Director of Orchestras

Director of Bands

String Consultant