Re-Imagining Middle School Task Force

A committed group of middle school educators dedicated to an intense process of program review, data analysis, and research to ensure that BPS middle school students are educated in a manner that is responsive to their unique needs.

The Re-Imagining Middle School Task Force will spend approximately 18 months together to develop recommendations for a districtwide commitment to middle school students ensuring that all students have access to high quality instructional programs, nurturing environments, and teachers with expertise in the middle grades. We will consider all aspects of the experience to include number of courses taken, scheduling options, social-emotional learning, experiential activities, developmental appropriateness, and extra-curricular programs. As a framework, we will be utilizing materials from the Association for Middle Level Education amongst other research.

Please do not hesitate to email with any feedback or suggestions.

RSVP Here:

South Area Community Meeting

Central Middle -Media Center

Beachside Community Meeting

DeLaura Middle School- Media Center

Central Area Community Meeting

McNair Magnet Middle- Auditorium

North Area Community Meeting

Madison Middle School- Cafeteria

Bishop, P.A. & Harrison, L.M. (2021)

Responsive: Using the distinctive nature and identities of young adolescents as the foundation upon which all decisions about school are made.

Challenging: Cultivating high expectations and advancing learning for every member of the school community.

Empowering: Facilitating environments in which the students take responsibility for their own learning and contribute positively to the world around them.

Equitable: Providing socially just learning opportunities and environments for every student.

Engaging: Fostering a learning atmosphere that is relevant, participatory, and motivating for all learners.

Successful middle schools exhibit the following characteristics

Culture and Community

  • Educators respect and value young adolescents.

  • The school environment is welcoming, inclusive, and affirming for all.

  • Every student's academic and personal development is guided by an adult advocate.

  • School safety is addressed proactively, justly, and thoughtfully.

  • Comprehensive counseling and support services meet the needs of young adolescents.

  • The school engages families as valued partners.

  • The school collaborates with community and business partners.

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

  • Educators are specifically prepared to teach young adolescents and possess a depth of understanding in the content areas they teach.

  • Curriculum is challenging, exploratory, integrative, and diverse.

  • Health, wellness, and social-emotional competence are supported in curricula, school-wide programs, and related policies.

  • Instruction fosters learning that is active, purposeful, and democratic.

  • Varied and ongoing assessments advance learning as well as measure it.

Leadership and organization

  • A shared vision developed by all stakeholders guides every decision.

  • Policies and practices are student-centered, unbiased, and fairly implemented.

  • Leaders are committed to and knowledgeable about young adolescents, equitable practices, and educational research.

  • Leaders demonstrate courage and collaboration.

  • Professional learning for all staff is relevant, long term, and job embedded.

  • Organizational structures foster purposeful learning and meaningful relationships.

Task Force Members

Stephanie Booth - Dean, Cocoa High School (7-12)

Sherri Bowman - Director, Secondary Leading and Learning

Cathy Bramlett - CTE Content Specialist for Middle Schools

Dietrich Browne - Exceptional Student Education Resource Teacher

Scott Corso - Principal, DeLaura Middle School

Jasmine DeLaughter - Principal, Southwest Middle School

Christine Ferrer - Teacher, Endeavour Elementary

Holly Ford, Johnson Middle School

Matthew Gent - Teacher, Central Middle School

Tara Harris - Director, Elementary Leading and Learning

Vivian Jones - Teacher, Madison Middle School

Dr. Danielle McKinnon - Director of Equity and Diversity

Cathy McNutt - Principal, Hoover Middle School

Christopher Reed - Director, Student Services

Kyle Savage - Treasurer, Brevard Federation of Teachers (Elementary Educator)

Jason Sherburne - Principal, Longleaf Elementary

Nicole Sherburne- Teacher, Creel Elementary

Vanessa Skipper - Vice President, Brevard Federation of Teachers (Secondary Educator)

Dr. Stephanie Soliven - Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Leading and Learning

Regina Taylor, Counselor, Stone Middle School

Meara Trine - Principal, Jefferson Middle School

The following committee members served previously, and we thank them for their time and expertise:

Patty Adams, Assistant Director, Student Services

Gisell Francisco - Teacher, Sabal Elementary

Stephanie Lay - Teacher, Cocoa High School (7-12)

Shereen Luchten - Assistant Director, STEM Programs

Cathryn Thornton - School Counselor, DeLaura Middle School

Meeting Schedule for SY 2023

All meetings are 3:00 - 5:00 PM (except June) and all are held in the Sunshine. The public may email for the zoom link for the virtual meetings and simply need to check in (bring ID) through the lobby for in-person meetings.

August 30th @Educational Services Facility in Viera- Rooms 3 and 4

September 29th - This meeting has been cancelled due to Hurricane Ian.

via Zoom- email for the link

October 26th @Educational Services Facility in Viera- Rooms 3 and 4

November 15th via Zoom- email for the link

December 8th @Educational Services Facility in Viera- Rooms 3 and 4

January 11th @Educational Services Facility in Viera- Rooms 3 and 4

February 28th @Educational Services Facility in Viera- Rooms 3 and 4

March 23rd via Zoom- email for the link

April 10th @Educational Services Facility in Viera- Rooms TBA

May 4th via Zoom- email

Meeting Schedule for SY 2022

January 20th via Zoom - email for the link

February 24th @ Educational Services Facility in Viera - Board Room

March 29th via Zoom - email for the link

April 28th @ Educational Services Facility in Viera - Rooms 3 and 4

May 17th via Zoom - email for the link

June 23rd @ Educational Services Facility in Viera - Board Room (9:00 - 11:00 AM)

We believe that all students should be known, valued, and inspired.

Student Voices

My Schools' Greatest Strength...

  • "The classes I take challenge me to think critically because of the questions and work they ask. I often have to actually go back and try to figure the answer instead of being able to figure the answer out instantly like in previous grades". (Jackson Student)

  • "I like that students and teachers understand and try to help people with different issues and i love how they don't judge us because of it and/or race". (Central Student)

  • "What i love most about my school is everyone working together for example when someone drops some thing everyone is willing to help". (DeLaura Student)

  • "First the teacher will never let me give up and the students also inspire because there are loyal me because when l need help both teacher and students are willing to help". (Hoover Student)

  • "I have to think a lot about my work in school and I really have to use my brain I think my teacher did a good job as in teaching me and the work they assigned me". (Madison Student)

  • "The staff do not talk to students in a condescending way". (Kennedy Student)

  • "Everyone at school is just all supportive and everyone's nice to each other and respectful and all kinds of nice things". (Johnson Student)

  • I like how the work is more based on when you are ready for it. They give give you a time period in which you can turn it in. This helps relieve stress if I have to do something that day". (McNair Student)

  • "I like that my school challenges. For my class, I had to read a book that I thought was going to be too hard to read but I ended up finishing the book fairly soon. Now I love reading harder books now". (Southwest Student)

  • "The students and staff all talk to each other the same why there is no disrespect against anyone and we all treat each other the same way". (Stone Student)

  • "I like that almost everyone is nice and kind and kind hearted and the teachers give there students a lot of support and they offer to help as much as they can". (Jefferson Student)

  • "I'm able to feel accomplished after I do an assignment because they are neither impossible or way too easy to do". (Cocoa Beach Student)

  • "When a student seems upset or is acting unusual, some teachers don't automatically assume that the student is just being rude or misbehaving and ask if they are okay or feeling well". (Cocoa Student)

  • "If any one is going through anything, almost always an adult notices and will take them to guidance or just try to talk it out and connect with the student". (Edgewood Student)

  • "They just are somewhat polite to each other saying good morning good afternoon all of that". (Space Coast Student)

  • "They make me think critically by allowing me to figure the questions out myself while still helping me the slightest bit". (West Shore Student)

Please check back regularly for updates. Any questions or feedback please contact