Brevard Public Schools

K-12 Visual Arts Resource Site

In support of all visual art programs and teachers K-12, our mission is to provide high quality instruction in the visual arts to all students, with the knowledge that rigorous arts study enhances and enriches all aspects of education by providing for students' cognitive development and creative expression. 

Art Advocacy Is Our Goal

To Serve Every Student With Excellence As The Standard

Brevard Public Schools Virtual Art Show Links ---

2024 BPS School Board Virtual Art Show    

2024 BPS Art Gallery Exhibition

2024 South Elementary Art Fair

2024 North Elementary Art Fair

2023 BPS School Board Virtual Art Show 

2023 BPS Student Gallery Exhibition 

2023 South Elementary Art Fair

2023 North Elementary Art Fair

2022 BPS School Board Virtual Art Show

2022 BPS Art Gallery Exhibition 

South Elementary Art Fair

2022 North Elementary Art Fair

Viera High School Hosts the 17th Annual

BPS Digital Art Show

Viera High School hosted the 17th annual BPS Digital Art Show, the largest exclusively digital art exhibition for Brevard County students. This unique event provided digital art students with the opportunity to showcase their creativity and talent. The digital art show was open to all Brevard students in grades 7th-12th and featured illustration, graphic design, photography, and mixed media (including digitally manipulated imagery). The digital art was created through the use of programs like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Participants were required to produce original work reflecting their creativity, skills, and effort.


Thank you to our esteemed panel of judges—John Buck, Photographer & President of The Camera Club of Brevard; Kathleen Smith, Graphic Designer of Government & Community Relations; and Mollie Vega, Director of Curriculum and Instruction. Furthermore, we would like to extend our gratitude to Viera High Digital Media Instructor, Amanda Perdue, and BPS Visual Art and Theatre Content Specialist, Annamarie Zink, for coordinating the event. Lastly, we express our appreciation to digital media educators, Mrs. Perdue, Mr. Jason Carter of Satellite High School, Mr. Jim Finch of West Shore Jr./Sr. High School, and Mr. Peter Hemmer of Southwest Middle School, whose unwavering commitment to education and guidance undoubtedly enriched the overall learning experience for the students involved.  Congratulations to all the participants for their dedication, talent, and outstanding contributions!

Thank you Bus Drivers! We appreciate you!  Mims Elementary 

“Hispanic Floridians have played a vital role in the history of our great state and continue to have a tremendous impact,” said First Lady Casey DeSantis.  

“Congratulations to the educators recognized and the art and essay contest winners celebrated for their outstanding work honoring the remarkable accomplishments of the Hispanic community in Florida,” said Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz, Jr

Student Art Contest SY 2023-24

Students in kindergarten through third grade were invited to submit original artworks for the contest. Four art contest winners were chosen, and each received a $100 gift card for school supplies and a one-year pass to Florida state parks. 

Brevard Public Schools congratulates our winner of the student art contest,   Claire Aguilar, Golfview Elementary Magnet School, Brevard County

Award and Event Image Carousel


Welcome to the Glow Gallery at Lockmar Elementary! This is  awesome !

Roy Allen Elementary Student Wins Florida Department of Education Art Contest

Governor Ron DeSantis and First Lady Casey DeSantis’ Native American Heritage Month Art Contest was open to all Kindergarten through third-grade students in Florida. Each student submitted original, two-dimensional artwork based on this year's theme. Only four statewide winners were selected, and each winner received a $100 art supplies gift card and a 1-year pass to Florida state parks.

Roy Allen Elementary art teacher Pamela King introduced her students to the contest, which honors Native Americans in Florida. She showed her students artwork from Noah Billie and other accomplished Seminole artists.

Ms. King said her second-grade student, Abigail Shannon “Abby,” started working on her artwork before Hurricane Nicole and impressively finished it before the due date of November 17th. 

Abby won first place for her age group with her drawing entitled “Honoring the Artist- Noah Billie,” which featured a recreation of Billie’s artwork of an anhinga perched on a branch.

Congratulations, Abby and Ms. King from Roy Allen Elementary!

Congratulations to Megan Madsen! Her painted paper collage card design was chosen to represent Brevard Schools Foundation Holiday cards from the district!🎨 

Chi Nguyen was selected to receive an Award of Excellence ribbon at this year’s 2023 Statewide Student Surrealist Art Exhibit, At the Dali Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida

 Creativity is intelligence having fun.  Albert Einstein

Visual Art Content Specialist Contact Information: Annamarie Zinkzink.annamarie@brevardschools.org321.633.1000 x 11361