1st grade

Challenge #1 for June 1-5: An orchestra has all the 4 families that we've been discussing. They have the strings, woodwinds, brass , and percussion families. A band has only 3 families. They have the woodwinds, brass, and percussion. Bands do not have string instruments in their group! Please do one of the following:

Your choice (Do 1 or more of the following)

  1. Find your favorite orchestra, marching band, or concert band video from YouTube and send me the link. Any video you send must contain either 3 or 4 of the instrument families.

  2. Draw and label an orchestra seating chart. Either copy the attached link as it is or put the instruments in whatever boxes you want. Remember at the bottom of the page is where the conductor would stand. Where would you want the instruments to be when you conduct them? (Coloring the page is optional, but encouraged.)

  3. Tell me why Mr. D's seating chart isn't very good. (i.e. Why is having the flutes in the back bad? Why wouldn't you want the percussion right in the front) Also, you can use his chart as an example for how to do your own.

doggy band.mp4

Challenge #2 for June 1-5 - Mr. D's Doggy Dance Party!

Our Final Doggy Dance Party video peformance features Sammy, Toby, Eva Sue, Roxie, and Abby! Sorry, no Piper. This video is taken from our backyard. Piper, as I've said before, doesn't know how to play with the others without a fight breaking out. Therefore, she's not in this video. For this week, you only have one question to answer.

Is this a band or orchestra playing this song that Mr. D is conducting? Remember an orchestra has all 4 families (strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion) where as a band has only 3 families (woodwinds, brass, percussion, but no strings)

  • This song is a famous march called "Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Phillip Sousa. You might hear this at the Memorial Day or 4th of July parade.

Luci Steiner cond.mp4

Challenge #3 for June 1-5 - Become a conductor. Conduct one of your favorite songs using the "2"pattern we learned last week. You can do it by yourself, or conduct your family playing imaginary or real instruments, or conduct your pets, or your stuffed animals. Whatever you want! Be creative. Check out Luci Steiner's video for an example.

Updated June 29! - Choose one of the following music game links and explore. Let me know what your high score was, send me your composition, or just tell me which one you tried out! These links will be here all summer for you to have fun with. I will add more links throughout the summer. Check back for updates!

Orchestra game - Guess what instrument the animals in costumes are playing.

Rhythm trainer - This is more for 2nd and 3rd, but feel free to try it. Practice your rhythm studies with this site. I've used it in class before.

Inside the Orchestra - Just found this! Great site with games like Memory, Bingo, etc. that involve the orchestra instruments.

Game page from Classics for Kids - Tryout all the games from the Classics for Kids site. To the left is Maddie Ament's creation from the Compose Your Own Music game.

Please email me a video, picture, or just an email itself to let me know what you accomplished. You can also just write them down somewhere and show me later. My email is doughertyc@sasd.k12.pa.us.