partnership Opportunities


Help provide the framework for our students and teachers to have accurate and applicable real-world experiences in and outside of the classroom.

Share what it takes to be successful in a specific industry and in the broader workforce in general. 

Showcase your organization and the various careers offered within your field to our students each fall. 

Share authentic projects with our staff and students.

Provide a group of students with an in-depth tour of your place of business.

Donate materials to a classroom or academy.

Steering ComMittee

Share your professional expertise with school, business, and community members to develop meaningful connections between students and monitoring the progress of the Academies while serving as public advocates.

Host a CAPS intern during third quarter. Current CAPS programs include Business Administration & Management, Creative Media, Engineering & Manufacturing and Healthcare & Medicine. 

Share your career and industry knowledge with our teachers. Experiences can range in length, and may include both  hands-on, participatory experiences as well as high-level and daily overviews of work in your organization.