Grading Procedures

Homework will be given on a daily basis. Depending on the skill level and the amount of time needed to complete an assignment, due dates will differ accordingly.

All assignments are graded on a point basis and then converted into a percentage.

Homework is due on the assigned due date. Ten percent will be removed from the final grade of the homework if it is turned in the next class period. Fifty percent will be removed from the final grade of the homework if it is turned in anywhere between 2 and 7 days after the due date. After a week, the homework will be worth 0% whether it is turned in or not. As middle schoolers, you are responsible for the completion of your assignments. It is unreasonable to take more than a week to complete a homework assignment since homework is given to review a lesson or to prepare for a future lesson.

Ten percent is removed from the final grade of all projects for every school day it is not turned in.

In order to gauge your work and your grades, please see the attached document.

What My Grade Means