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Book Spotlight

Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum

Review written by Emmie Purdy

Jessie just started high school after moving to California to live with her dad. After the first week of school, she received an anonymous email from someone claiming they were one of her fellow classmates who wanted to help her adjust to her new school. The two continue texting, and their relationship continues to grow throughout the book.

I really liked how the book related to a typical teenagers life. I enjoyed not only the way they acted, but also the way they would talk to one another or even just their thoughts throughout their typical days at school.

I also really enjoyed that the plot did not develop too fast like some books typically would. It was definitely difficult to put this book down until I had finally finished.

I really enjoyed Jesse's perspective when it came to meeting new people and going to a completely new high school. She didn't instantly click with a large friend group like main characters tend to in these kinds of books. Instead, she listened to the recommendations of her anonymous friend and didn't put herself out there to the entire school.

It was very unique, and was very fun to read

5 stars!