Introducing the GAMERBUS!
Sons in 5th-8th grade are invited to challenge each other to epic battles in this new event addition!

Important Dates



26 Cheer Tryouts 9am-11am SGGS Gym

27 Eucharistic Procession-click here for more information and FAQ


1 Wednesday Schedule for Holy Day of Obligation. Please wear Dress uniform for Mass

2 Mother/Son Carnival, 6-8:30 pm in the SGGS Gym

8 Wrap up Super Saints Pep Rally

Looking Ahead: November Calendar      

Thank you to the 2024 sponsors of the Father Eric Vogt Memorial Classic!

Saints Weekly square graphics.pdf


Papa John's Slice Cards are NOW AVAILABLE!

Do you want 50% off of your pizza order, sure you do! Purchase your Papa John's Slice Card now, only $10 and you receive 50% off of your order, not once...not twice..but TEN TIMES! Click here to purchase yours! Or you can purchase them during school hours from the office of Guardian Angel Hall (cash or check.)

Questions: email Mrs. Thompson

Your SGGS On Campus Swag is now open for business!


Select items for sale online but much more is available in person! Come check out our selection of hoodies, tshirts, and MORE!
Shop Hours: Thursdays 1:30pm-2:30pm | Guardian Angel Hall

Athletics Information

Athletic Handbook: Please review the Updated Athletic Handbook and sign the Electronic Signature Page HERE.

Cheerleading Tryouts  Cheerleading tryouts are Saturday, October 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the SGGS Gym. The minimum requirement to tryout is a cartwheel. Practice will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays.


Paul Webb Basketball Clinic  Paul Webb is hosting a FREE basketball clinic open to boys and girls aged 7-13 on Saturday, November 16th. Registration is required. More information and registration can be found here.

2024-25 TCBL Rule Modifications

Changes in the TCBL rules for the 2024-25 season will limit the number of teams per school in the Junior (5th & 6th grade) & Senior (7th & 8th ) divisions. They are only allowing schools to enter 3 teams from each division of both boys and girls. This is set by TCBL, not the school. As a result, there may be cuts at these Divisions depending on the number of players who try out. Practices will begin on November 4 and the season opens on Saturday, December 7. The Youth (3rd & 4th grade) division will not have team limits per school. 

SGGS Volunteer Opportunities (10).pdf

Employment Opportunity

Substitute Teachers are needed for all grade levels at Saint Gregory the Great Catholic School. To apply as a substitute teacher, please complete and email a Diocesan Application to Kika Glass at 

Daycare Childcare Providers  Saint Gregory the Great Daycare Center is seeking Childcare Providers to work with children 6 weeks through 3 years of age.  Experience in an early childcare setting is required. Education in early childhood development is helpful. The position requires physical activity, lifting, and working outdoors. Excellent organizational and communication skills are needed. The ability to work as a team and multitask is a must.  Monday – Friday full-time and part-time positions are available. Benefits available, hourly compensation based on education and experience $14.00 - $16.00 per hour. Candidates, please send your resume to 

For all Catholic Diocese of Richmond Employment Opportunities, please click here!