Dear SGGSIET, Nanded alumnus,

We are please to announce that SGGS is planning to establish a section-8 company as incubator to promote startups. The main aim is to contribute to National development through startup revolution by developing and supporting technologies for solving problems of the society at large.

After a few initial deliberations with a few alumni and faculty members, it is decided to take this idea forward. This incubation center will be of SGGS ALUMNI and managed by alumni on the guidelines by SGGS Board of Governors. It is felt that the idea is to be circulated widely amongst the alumni and get the responses from alumni about their interest in incubation center in any form.

Please show your interest by filling out the form before 2-Apr-2023 11:59pm.

Please read a document (link given in the form) before filling out the form.

Queries, if any, should be addressed to or
