Helpful Links

Preschool through Grade 1

abc mouse

abc ya


Math Facts Cafe

Scratch - computer coding program

Grades 2 through 4

Free Rice

xtra math

Fact Monster

National Library of virtual manipulatives

Khan Academy

Scratch - computer coding program

Popplet - Mapping app for brainstorming, timelines or mapping projects and ideas

Typing Club

Grades 5 through 8

Khan Academy

Math Playground

Typing Club

Popplet - Mapping app for brainstorming, timelines or mapping projects and ideas



  • SafeSearch for Kids - safe search engine from Google

  • Sweetsearch - All search hits have been evaluated by researchers

  • Library of Congress - Digital library featuring reproductions of selected primary source materials

  • Google Scholar - Search all scholarly literature complete with citations and locate the complete document through your library or on the internet.