New Traditions 

Professional Development Resources 

3-5 Grade Professional Development Series Slide Decks

01 Intro to Digital Portfolios for New Traditions - October

Session 1 

02 Adobe for Digital Portfolios at New Traditions - November

Session 2 

03 Google Sites for Digital Portfolios at New Traditions - January

Session 3 

In this session teachers built a Google Site to hold their workshop creations and their reflection journal. . 

04 Adobe Express Video for Digital Portfolios at New Traditions - February

Session 4 

In this session teachers explored the Adobe Express video tool and made a sample book talk. 

Adobe Animate for Digital Portfolios at New Traditions - March

Session 5

In this session teachers were briefly introduced to Animate from Audio and remixable Reflection sheets.

Developing Google Site for Digital Portfolios at New Traditions - April

Session 7 

In this session teachers added to this shared website and explored some sample rubrics:

Creativity with Reflections

Creativity in the Classroom  is an addendum to Session 5.