Unit 3

Hegemony and Counterhegemony

Following our unit on systems and power, students consider hegemonic ideas regarding gender and sexuality, reflect on how gender has shaped their life experiences, and learn how people have resisted and challenged gender expectations and the disempowerment of LGBTQ+ communities and individuals. For their culminating project, students research and write a "lost" history page that details queer history and queer contributions and presence in society. 

unit 3: AYMAN, Cuiqi, Yengsen, YingYing's - LGBTQ+ Lost History Page Project Final Draft

Lost History Page: The Two-Spirit

Tags: LGBTQ+, queer history, indigenous history, research, two-spirit 

unit 3: LGBTQ+ Lost History Page Project Final Draft

Lost History Page: Harvey Milk

Tags: LGBTQ+, queer history, local history, research 

unit 3: Yuslin and Jazmin - LGBTQ+ History Project: Template

Lost History Page: LGBTQ+ Uprisings

Tags: LGBTQ+, queer history, activism, research