Welcome to Room 105!

                               Our Goals for this Year

First grade is definitely the year for building the foundations for future academic learning. Besides learning the basic phonics skills using the Fundations program, my students engage in daily shared reading and small group guided reading lessons.  In addition to reading many fascinating literature, the children will learn different writing strategies and compose a variety of innovative narratives and books during Writer’s Workshop.  Since I firmly believe that children learn best through hands-on experiences, I integrate a lot of art, science, and field trips  into my curriculum. Some science themes that we will explore this year include plants, animals, butterflies, the solar system, light, and sound.   Meanwhile, I am looking  forward to another awesome school year!    

                                        Student Sites            

Clever  for logging into Seesaw, Raz Kids, etc...


                                An introduction of Myself

Hello!  My name is Eunice Chue.  As a native San Franciscan, I attended St. Mary’s Chinese Day School, Herbert Hoover Middle School, Lowell High School, and City College of San Francisco.  While I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and minor in Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University,  I participated in the SFSU teaching credential intern program. I served as an intern Chinese-bilingual kindergarten teacher at Lafayette.   After I received my Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential in 1999,  I taught a fourth and fifth grade combination class before I became a first grade teacher.  

Aside from teaching, I enjoy cooking, baking, gardening, hiking, road trips, and outdoor adventures.  Two of my favorite places to visit are Yosemite National Park and Emerald Bay State Park in South Lake Tahoe.