Mission High School Wellness Center
MHS Wellness Staff
(From Left to Right):
Dr. David Shepard (Psychologist): davidshepard@ramsinc.org
Nurse Mary: preyer-wattsm@sfusd.edu
Chandra-Wellness Coordinator: 650-503-9618 - sivakumaranc@sfusd.edu
Ray Sotto-CHOW : sottor@sfusd.edu
Wellness Services
Individual mental health counseling ( 1 to 1 therapy in English and Spanish )
Support groups for substance use, leadership development, truancy, and violence prevention
Nursing services: health insurance sign-ups, referrals for vision/dental/primary care, general student care, reproductive health support
Health education presentations/workshops in class
Family therapy interventions/consultations
Case management by community based organizations
Staff and family wellness consultations about student health issues
A safe, quiet, confidential place to take a breath