Reserve a Study Room

To reserve a study room, use the links to the FORM and the CALENDAR below.

(The main room of the library and the entire Meyer Study room can be requested by asking the librarian.)

To see what is included in each room, look at the MAP OF THE LOWELL LIBRARY.

Anyone can just VIEW the calendar, but to be able to BOOK A RESERVATION directly on the calendar, you must be added to the librarian's account as a user. Only staff members are allowed to book rooms directly on the calendar. Email Mr. Sasso to request to be added as a user.

Students can fill out the form as a way to request a room reservation.

To book your room on the calendar, just click and drag. You can only book your reservation in 15 minute increments, so try to be as close to the actual scheduled class periods as you can. Then double click and add the period and your name to the booking title so your reservation looks like the example below.

Please remember to fill out the brief form along with booking your room on the calendar.