Letters of Recommendation


What is a letter of recommendation? Letters of recommendation are one-page letters written for private schools and scholarships. These letters describe your qualities, skills, experiences and accomplishments. They also explain any challenging circumstances that may affect your academic performance or ability to attend/pay for college.

Who should write it? Ask an adult (NOT a family member) who knows you well! 

This could be:

How do I get a letter of recommendation?

1.) You should complete the letter of recommendation form (<-- click to access form)  to provide your recommender with a thorough overview of your interests and accomplishments. Think about each response, don't just write whatever! The more detailed you are, the better the letter will be.

2.) Make a list of people who you want to ask to write the letter. Choose 3 people who know you in a unique way. For example:  

3.) Make an appointment to have a conversation with your recommender to share anything that's happening in your life that may have affected  your grades/academic performance. Do you have something going on in your family? Do you have to work to support yourself? Is there something that is making school challenging for you? Do you have a particular financial situation? Let the recommender know your circumstances so they can communicate it in the letter.

4.) ASK THE RECOMMENDER AT LEAST 3 WEEKS IN ADVANCE. This is so important. Writing these letters is time-consuming!

5.) Follow-up. Remind your recommenders (in a friendly and appreciative way) of due dates. It is YOUR responsibility to meet deadlines.

6.) SEND A THANK YOU. This could be a hand-written card or a token of your appreciation. When a student goes out of their way to thank me, I am always willing to help them in the future!