english 1

Ruth Asawa SOTA 2020/21 • Ms. Lee leeb8@sfusd.edu

Welcome students and families!

Use this website as an organizational resource and as a way to navigate our class throughout the year.

This site will serve as a centralized "hub," complete with our class calendar, assignments, and academic resources.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at leeb8@sfusd.edu.

BOOKFLIX project celebrates BLACK EXCELLENCE in literature
9th grade students collaborated with visual artist Kaytea Petro to create a multimedia homage to San Francisco.Check out the project here!
Lunch & Learn: Ms. Lee's master's thesis presentation on student-teacher relationships & social justice teaching


Meet Ms. Lee

I’m Ms. Lee (she/her), and I teach English and Ethnic Studies at SOTA. I am also the faculty advisor for Asians United (AU) and Stand Up Allies.

I love that SOTA embraces young people’s creativity, art, and activism!

I see teaching as a form of community organizing and activism. I love to create classroom experiences that uplift student voice (written and oral) and allow young people to see themselves as change-makers. Critical thinking, collaboration, self-discipline, and self-love are at the core of my curriculum.

I look forward to all of the inspiring, thoughtful, and critical work that we will accomplish this year!