1st Grade

Classrooms - Helpful Links - Schedule


Ms. Coles & Ms. Ruth

*Schedule subject to change. Check this page for schedule updates.

*Horario sujeto a cambios. Visite este sitio web para obtener actualizaciones de horarios.

Google Classrooms

Ms. Coles & Ms. Ruth

Google Classroom: Link/Enlace

Email: colesa@sfusd.edu

Google Classroom: Link/Enlace

Email: alvaradobautistar@sfusd.edu

Helpful Links

Access to

Seesaw & BrainPop

Log in with Google!

NEED TECHNOLOGY HELP? ¿Necesita ayuda con la tecnología?

E-mail: familylink@sfusd.edu

Call: 415-340-1716

Llamar: 415-340-1716

Ms. Andrea is your 1st grade Family Technology Support Point Person: burgassera@sfusd.edu