Community Contributions


St Johns Regional College- This year we are celebrating the contributions from the VCAL students and their teacher Justin. They began with surveying the gardens, contributing to the care of the chickens and assisting students with planting, weeding and harvesting. They have now undertaken a community project to build our teaching and learning benches in the garden. This will allow us to recreate a classroom atmosphere as the students learn more about building a vibrant garden. We would like to thank St John's for their amazing contributions and their commitment to building community relationships.


SFS Parents and Friends Association (PFA)- This term the Kitchen Garden Action Teams would like to extend their sincerest thank you to our amazing PFA who have contributed $700 for the construction and materials required to build our teaching and learning benches. We are extremely happy with this contribution and the teaching and learning opportunities it will bring to our garden.


We are very happy to announce the arrival of our new chickens! They have been generously donated by . These chickens have been hand-raised and are a welcome addition to our community garden. We look forward to some delicious eggs and would like to extend our warmest thank you to Mr.....


Chicken coup - In 2017 the community garden was very fortunate to have the contributions of our partner school St John's in the building of our wonderful chicken coop. The students from the Environmental Action Team meticulously designed and planned out the structure of the chicken coop and created a voting event for students and families to get involved in. With the help of some of our amazing SFS families, St John's and the Environmental Action Team were able to build the new coop ready for some happy chickens.


We have continued to build our partnership with Bunnings in Cranbourne and look forward to future projects together. We have been extremely lucky this year to be the recipients of grants from:


We were advised that our Telstra’s Kids Fund grant application was successful. We received a grant of $1,200 to support our "Community Garden". The money was used to purchase and construct garden beds to grow vegetables.


Our application in the Leader Local Grants program was successful and our idea was been voted by the community as the best idea to receive a $1,000 grant. A very big “THANK YOU” to all our families and friends for supporting our application by voting on line.


We are very grateful to these organisations for their support on our journey to create our garden.

We have also been very fortunate to be working with the VCAL students from St John's Regional College in Dandenong. They have planted our olive grove and have constructed garden beds ready for us to fill with soil and then plant! THANK YOU!!!!!