Contact Us

Generalists in the SFPS Human Resources Department are available to assist you:

Sheila O’Malley 505-467-2012

Joselyn Martinez 505-467-2027

Tiffany Martinez 505-467-2013

Other questions? Call the Human Resources receptionist.

Viridiana Cruz Tel. 505-467-2008

Technology Help Desk

Just need to ask a question about logging onto a computer, a software step, or how to use a district phone? Call our friendly Help Desk. Two people staff our Help Desk and they are busiest in the mornings. Please leave them a message with your classroom extension (visible on the phone's window) and they will return your call ASAP.

From any district phone, just dial 1 then HELP (4357), or from a personal phone 467-4357 or email at

The Human Resources Department

Human Resources Department

2516 Cerrillos Road

Santa Fe, NM 87505


Tel. 505-467-2008

SFPS District Website
