Author's Research Profile

Much of the activity around the world now takes place online. Researchers store data online, communicate via e-mail, and of course, read scholarly articles published online. But there is more online than just one’s data. As with any other job, it’s very important for researchers to control their own online presence.

Here are some methods for improving your online visibility so that others find the information you want them to see.

A non-profit organization, ORCID provides a unique identifier for each researcher. This identifier helps make sure that you get credit for all your work, even if the name you publish under changes for some reason. When signing up for your ORCID number, you can fill in your profile to ensure that all your work is represented.

  • Google Scholar Profile

A Google Scholar profile is a very simple way of collating your publications (and citations to them) so that others can find your work and often find an accessible copy that they can read.

SFIT LIBRARY had Organized Webinar on "Enhancing Research Visibility through Academic Social Networks. Resource Person was Dr.Sarika Sawant, Assistant Prof.SHP School of Library Science, SNDT Women's University on 6th June 2020.

In this Webinar very elaborately showed the innovative methods of enhancing the visibility of research.