Music Ministry

Adult Choir: Practice Wednesday evenings from 7:15-8:15 PM. Sing 3-4 times per month.

Cantor: As needed for 5 PM; 7:30 AM Mass. (Audition & training required.) Ages: 12th grade; College; Adult. Contact Nancy Syring.

Instrumentalists: High School; College; Adult. Piano, Organ, Band/Orchestra (Violin, Flute, Trumpet, etc.) Play as needed for Masses. Audition & Training re quired. Contact Nancy Syring

Men’s Ensemble: Practice 45 minutes prior to Mass and one evening per month. Sing 1 Mass per month.

Women’s Schola/Mixed Schola: Practice one time per month and 1 hour prior to Mass. Sing for Holy Days and various Masses throughout the year.

Sound System: Run sound system at Mass. TRAINING REQUIRED