About Me

Welcome to my "About Me" Page

I love teaching fifth grade at Saint Francis especially because I grew up in the parish and went to school here for 9 years. I am still making great memories at Saint Francis with the wonderful students and teachers I've worked with over the past few years. My teaching career began after graduating from Gwynedd-Mercy University with a bachelors degree in elementary education. I keep my Pennsylvania teaching certificate current by attending workshops and constantly researching new theories and concepts in education. Over the past 20 years I have taught every grade from Pre-K to Fifth Grade. Fifth Grade is my new favorite grade to teach because I find the thoughts and perspectives of 10 and 11 year-olds to be fascinating, bold and full of endless possibilities.

My mission for my class this year is to for each student to realize their potential and set unique goals for themselves. I also want my class to know the importance of teamwork. We will strive to build positive mindsets that will help us to achieve our goals and fly over hurdles without giving up or losing sight of Jesus. To achieve our goals is to know that we are fulfilling the will God has for us through His Son's help and through His grace.

"In All Ways,

Acknowledge Him,

And He Shall Make Your Path Straight."

~ Proverbs 3:6 ~