Job Opportunities at Seymour United Methodist Church
Seymour United Methodist Church has openings for a part-time Director of Children’s Ministry and part-time Director of Youth Ministry.
The purpose of these positions is to provide a growing and stable environment for the children and youth of our church and community.
Our children’s and youth programs are to be a place designed that they can grow in their understanding of God.
All interested parties may contact George Hyfantis, SPRC Chair via email,
Click on the links below for the Children's Director Job Description and Youth Director Job Description.
We are so glad you're here
God has called us to ministry together and
we exist to worship in community, serve others, grow deeper in our faith, share the love of God.
We're located at 107 Simmons Rd, Seymour TN 37865.
Our mailing address is PO Box 1488, Seymour, TN 37865
Click the button below for directions
Worship with us on Sunday mornings in our sanctuary
Traditional Service 8:45am or Contemporary Service 11:00am.
If you're on vacation or feeling under the weather, you can join us online from any mobile device through our Facebook page or YouTube channel.
Kids and Youth at Seymour UMC
We value the younger members of our congregation and love to see them in church!
Children of all ages are welcome to attend and to participate in worship services as well as in classes, projects, and special events planned throughout the year.
Parents' Day Out
If you're looking for part-time childcare for your littles or a preschool program to prepare your child for Kindergarten, then check out our Parents' Day Out program.