
A computer can not think for itself- it works by blindly following instructions. It can only carry out a complex task if that task has been broken down into simple steps that tell it exactly what to do and in what order. Writing these instructions in a language a computer understand is called coding.

In Scratch, coding is done using drag-and-drop boxes, similar to Scripts are made of text boxes that you can drag with a computer mouse and join like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Each block has one instruction so it's easy to understand. Scripts come in several types of categories to provide a variety of movements and actions for your Sprites.

In this Script:

It is a forever loop, which means when the green flag is clicked, the Sprite will continue to repeat these actions. The Sprite will take 15 steps, turn 10 degrees, think "hmm" then play the pop noise.

As you can see for each action the Sprite is to take, there is a separate box.

If your Sprite is not acting the way you would like it to, you will need to check your Script for bugs.

What is this process called?