
MA Program in Cultural Anthropology

The Cultural Anthropology MA program invites students to explore diverse theoretical perspectives pertaining to culture and society as well as an array of anthropological methodologies such as ethnographic participant observation, in-depth qualitative interviewing and content analysis of social media. We invite students to set out on a unique intellectual journey which entails honing new skills in hermeneutics, cultural critique and creative research design and implementation. Our faculty boasts a wide array of subfields (Medical Anthropology and Reproductive Technologies, Psychological Anthropology, Feminist Anthropology, Political Anthropology, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Human Rights and Palestinian Studies) and ethnographic field work in Japan, Cambodia, Canada, India, Israel and Palestine.

Our non-thesis track may be completed in 2 years, while the thesis track entails a 3 year program. Students who choose a thesis track may undertake independent ethnographic research with the guidance of one of our faculty members.

MA Program in Medical and Psychological Anthropology

In the fall of 2018 we launched a semi-applied MA program custom designed for professionals in health-related fields – medicine, psychiatry and psychology, or social work, interested in specializing in cultural competency. The program will provide an opportunity to meet other professional practitioners who are already working in health and welfare-related institutions and together explore the challenges of multiculturalism in various social contexts. The program is of course tailored as well to those who may not have a professional background in health-related contexts, who wish to study the fascinating interface between the body, health, wellbeing and culture.

See also our 1-2 Semester long International Ethnographic Practicum:

PhD Program in Anthropology

Our doctoral program invites candidates interested in ethnographic research in a wide and pluralistic range of topics. Candidates' fieldwork may also be based in diverse fields and regions. Our faculty provides a rich array of potential advisorships, with expertise in multiple regions (Israel/Palestine, India, Japan, Cambodia) and subdisciplines (Gender studies, Medical and Psychological Anthropology, Economic and Political Anthropology).


  • Minimum average in MA - 85

  • Minimum grade of MA thesis - 86

  • Contact with faculty member to discuss potential advisorship

  • Submit statement of purpose outlining proposed research project, CV, transcripts, and diplomas to head of doctoral committee

Students with MA degrees in disciplines other than anthropology are welcome to consider doing 1-2 years of preparatory courses and research including a number of required courses in anthropology as well as writing an MA thesis with one of our faculty members.

Contact for further information