Compostion - 1 Object, 33 Times

Manual 101

In Manual 101, we learned about the Exposure Triangle, which is comprised of three adjustable elements in the manual mode of a camera that are essential to taking good photos. The first is shutter speed, which controls the speed at which the shutter closes. Shutter speed also affects the way that motion is captured. The second element is the aperture, which controls the size of the lens opening where light comes through. It also controls the depth of field. Lastly, ISO is the setting in the camera that dictates the brightness and darkness of a photo. In other words, shutter speed and aperture control the amount of light that comes into the camera, while ISO controls the amount of light that is needed to make the right exposure. For me, all of the different aspects of the exposure triangle were pretty hard to get, but the moment that it really clicked (pun not intended) for me was during the light trail photos, where I could really see all the different aspects working together. My favorite Manual 101 assignment was the motion blur, where I was also able to experiment with abstract portraiture.

#1: ISO

#2: Aperture

Wide depth of field

Shallow depth of field

#3: Shutter Speed