Visual Art

The Vulva Room

July 2023

8ft x 8ft (approx.) Installation

Interactive installation of found materials and sounds with hand fabricated drapery, lampshade, table, and settings.

Perhaps the most obvious of all my vulva art, The Vulva Room is an in-your-face and bold experience. The viewer is presented (literally on a platter) the subject of the vulva. The vulva is an image that is so often subtly referenced or hinted to in art, including my own, and this installation is a playful and uninhibited expression. The interactive nature of the installation invites the participant to not only view an abundance of vulvas and vulva imagery but to step inside.  The audio-element also encourages the viewer to put the phone to their ear, subsequently putting their mouth to the speaker which has a vulva on it. Sitting at the table, the meal set before you is a clear invitation. This installation is a call to viewers to appreciate vulvas, encourage normalization of the word vulva, and of course eat more pussy! (if that's your type of thing)


November 2022-Present

62in x 24in

Earth, Garden mums. 

July 2022

4ft x 2ft

Chickenwire, Assorted found textiles, Plaster hand, Pins, etc. 

In/Imperfection is an abstract representation of my body. This piece started as a circle of chicken wire molded by a hug. Over the course of a month working on the sculpture, adding and taking away over and over, the sculpture transformed in front of me into the essence of my own body taken apart and put back together in an unexpected form. It was exhibited as a hanging sculpture. 

December 2022

16in x 28in

Acrylic paint on wood blocks and collaged found images. 

Pinned Panties

October 2023

15in x 10in (2hr study)


In this piece, the labia-like fall of the fabric depicted is no accident. This choice of subject, and the way it was set up for observation are a part of the continued motif of vulvas seen in my body of work. 

May 2023

10in x 10in

Mixed media collage 

This collage, with text added in the top right in adobe illustrator, was created as the cover art for my EP "Stay At My Place." It was created specifically to capture the feelings of yearning and young love and the imagery that was in my head as I created and sang the songs. 

"Loose Lips Sink Ships"

July 2023

16 in x 20 in

Mixed media collage on canvas

Keeping with the ongoing theme of the body and vulvas in my recent body of work, this piece is a composition of imagery which, to me, communicates the beautiful shapes, textures, and colors of the body, and the ways that bodies interact with each other. This collage was displayed in the same exhibition as The Vulva Room. 

Lady Butts

Judith (demo music video)

November 2021

4in x 6in


This is a piece which furthered by skills in watercolour painting and representing depth and texture through layering and washing. 

October 2022

4:03 mins

Made using original footage overlaid, occasionally with found (free) footage. 

Schnoz Dog


July 2022

4in x 6in 

Linocut Blockprint

This was the first print I made while developing my printmaking skills in a month of classes at California State Summer School of the Arts where I majored in printmaking. 

October 2023

5in x 2in

Lifecast plaster hand

The position of the hand is mostly functional to the context of this piece. It is caught in the act of a grabbing motion and the slightly curved finger position indicates the intention of the hand to interact with something. This hand is my left hand and it goes with a right hand made by a classmate of mine. The hands are meant to be held up to a chest and clasp their boobs. The piece is exploring the idea of how much of a body should be covered. In our current world a person with boobs is expected to have their nipple and areola covered in public. This hand, with its fingers spread apart slightly, is only covering part of where an areola would be, a playful way of calling into question what exactly determines how somebody should exhibit their own body. This also gives the piece the potential to be a wearable sculpture.