Miss Zerlang's 

Class Website

upcoming events

November 20-24 - Thanksgiving Break

December 5-6 - Play Auditions

December 19 - School Christmas Program

December 21-January 5 - Christmas Break

Every Wednesday is a Minimum day, with Dismissal at 12:45

About this Site

I take a lot of pride in this website and put a lot of time into maintaining it and keeping it up to date.

For students, my hope is that this website will help reinforce the skills that we are learning about in class.  Instead of playing a video game or watching a television show, perhaps you will explore on your class website and enhance your learning!  

For parents, I hope that this site is a helpful method of communication and perhaps even a refresher to help you better assist your children with their academic goals.

Connect with Us:

Sequoia Union Elementary School

23958 AVE. 324, LEMON COVE, CA 93244


Miss Zerlang


The best way to get in touch with me is to email me directly.