Digital Art


CTE Multimedia I & II

For questions or comments please reach out to Miss Lipiansky at

Digital Art, CTE Multimedia I, and CTE Multimedia II develop art and designs skills using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and more. The course objectives include teaching students how to assess, understand, and utilize creative techniques, computer skills, Elements of Art, and Principles of Design. Digital Art has an emphasis in creative expression while CTE Multimedia I & II primarily focus on graphic design.

Gif Animations

Digital Art students create animated gif files using a combination of Illustrator and Photoshop.

Typography Logos

CTE Multimedia II students created customized type-based logos in Adobe Illustrator.

Logos and Labels

CTE Multimedia I students created image-based logos using Adobe Illustrator. Some student extended the assignment and demonstrated an application of the logo.


Digital Art students created Tessellations with Adobe Illustrator. Students first created tessellations using paper, scissors, and tape to plan out the shapes.

Greeting Cards

CTE Multimedia I students created greeting cards with Adobe Illustrator. Each image below displays the back and front of the card laid out. The cards were printed and folded.

Choice Project

Digital Art students made final projects of their choice for Semester 1.

Album Covers

Digital Art students designed these album covers on Photoshop. The covers were printed and placed in CD jewel cover cases for each student to keep.


Digital Art and CTE Multimedia I learned new Photoshop skills by creating these surrealist artworks. The theme is inspired by the famous surrealist painter Rene Magritte.

Self-Portraits and Flowers

Digital Art students made self-portraits and flower illustrations using Adobe Illustrator.