Selma Unified Teacher Induction Consortium

Office: 559-898-6686 Address: 11524 E. Dinuba Ave. Selma CA, 93662 Fax: 559-891-0292

The Selma Unified Induction Consortium is a six district consortium with Selma Unified School District serving as the lead Local Educational Agency (LEA). The Induction Coordinator works with district administrative designee from Clay Joint Elementary, Golden Plains Unified, Kerman Unified, Kingsburg Elementary Charter, and Riverdale Joint Unified to provide beginning teachers with the professional development and support they need in their first years of teaching.

Eligible candidates include: a) Those new to the profession who are teaching on preliminary credentials, b) Those teaching on preliminary credentials that were prepared out of state and have fewer than five years teaching experience, c) First and second year teachers working under preliminary credentials are required to participate in an induction program. Proof of being recommended and having applied for a California preliminary teaching credential must be received by the induction office by October 1 to be eligible for program participation. Enrollment into the program begins when the candidate completes and submits the Memorandum of Understanding.

Pre-credential teachers (Interns, Provisional Internship Permit [PIP's], Short-Term Staff Permit [STSP's]) are not eligible to participate in the SUSD Induction program however they are provided mentoring by their local districts.

The Selma Unified Induction Program provides specific professional development and individual guidance to beginning teachers. Beginning teachers work in collaboration with a trained Mentor to receive a formative, performance-based, teacher assessment, and support system. The system allows Participating Teachers to practice and reflect on effective instructional practices.

Our Goals:

  • To develop teachers who regularly reflect on their instructional practice and their progress towards professional development goals.
  • To guide teachers in using reflection to make changes in their instructional practices leading to increased student achievement.
  • To provide new teachers with quality mentoring and support in their first years of teaching.
  • To recommend successful eligible teachers for a CA Clear credential.

“Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.”

– John Cotton Dana

Induction Slides

Induction Calendar