Selma Unified Clear Administrative Services Credential Induction Program

Office: 559-898-6686 Address: 11524 E. Dinuba Ave. Selma CA, 93662 Fax: 559-891-0292

The Selma CASC Induction Consortium is made up of other rural districts in the Central Valley including Dinuba Unified, Golden Plains Unified, Kingsburg Charter Elementary, and Tulare City Schools. The Selma Unified School District serves as the lead Local Educational Agency (LEA). The CASC Induction Coordinator works with the district administrative designee to provide administrative candidates with the professional development and support they need in their first years. Administrators working towards their Clear Administrative Credential are paired with an experienced administrator coach.

Proof of being recommended and having applied for a California preliminary administrative services credential must be received by the induction office by October 1 to be eligible for program participation.

Program Goals:

  • To prepare future leaders for their initial administrative position, with special emphasis on preparation for the position of site administrator, or principal, for a specific school site.
  • To provide support and guidance to novice educators with focused individualized on the job-support and real-life experiences.
  • To provide a coaching-based professional induction process contextualized for their current position while continuing to develop candidates for future leadership experiences.
  • To recommend successful eligible candidates for a Clear Administrative Services Credential.