Eric White

Cub's Den

Welcome to Mrs. Ramirez's virtual classroom. Below you will find activities and websites that you can use to help you manage big emotions and reduce stress. By developing healthy coping skills, you will have the tools you need to succeed as a student!

Go Tigers!

Hey Tigers, I'm so excited to see you today!

Summer is here! Enjoy your break!

Take some time to relax and HAVE FUN!

Make some memories this summer!

EW Video.MOV

EW Behavior Expectations

Now that we're back on campus, let's review behavior expectations!

Distance learning can be frustrating, but let's try to be as flexible as possible.

TK Cubbies Corner

Hi friends, I'm so excited to see you!

Are you ready to learn?

Story Corner

Basketball superstar LeBron James encourages you to always strive for greatness!

When Daniel learns he can’t gather with all of his neighbors at the Neighborhood Carnival this year, it leads to lots of big feelings and questions, including what to do.

6 feet apart, but still in our hearts!

Even though we may not be able to see our friends and give them hugs there are still many way to show that we care. Click on the story to see all of turtle and hedgehog's creative ideas.

Don't forget the 4 B's!

About me

My name is Mrs. Ramirez and I am your School Psychologist. When we are at school, you can find me in room 34. As a School Psychologist, I help students with all types of problems. For example, I help students when they are:

  • new to the school and don't have friends yet

  • upset about a family problem

  • having trouble concentrating

  • having trouble with friendship

  • feeling nervous, or sad

If you're going through any type of problem and want some extra help, ask your parent, or teacher if you can talk with someone at school. I am your School Psychologist and I am here to help you get the most out of school!

Go Tigers!

Disclaimer: The following information is for educational purposes and not intended as psychological interventions, or as a substitute for psychological treatment. If you are in need of psychological help, seek the consultation of a mental health professional.