Preparing for the School Holidays

Five ways you could look after your mental health this summer

The summer holidays are almost here. But have you thought about your summer holiday wellbeing?

Just because revision, regular homework and lessons will soon be a distant memory doesn’t mean that things will automatically be perfect.

The summer can be a bit disorientating or overwhelming, as weeks without routine or purpose stretch out ahead. We’ve got some top tips to help you boost your summer holiday wellbeing.

1. Make a new routine

One of the benefits of term-time is that it gives you structure and routine. 

Lots of people find that routines make it easier for them to take care of themselves. Every day, we do things like brushing our teeth, eating, relaxing, and connecting with others. When these things are part of an established routine, it often seems like they take less effort and energy. Without a routine, taking care of yourself can quickly feel overwhelming!

So, boost your summer holiday wellbeing with a summer holiday routine. It doesn’t have to be the same as your term-time routine. And it’s OK to be real about it too – you’re probably not going to get up at the crack of dawn to watch the sun rise every day, and that’s OK.

Start by asking yourself about the fundamental things you need to do every day. They probably include things like eating meals, brushing your teeth and showering, and maybe getting out of the house or moving your body. And don’t forget about sleep too!

How can you keep these things up without the external structure of school or lessons? What support do you need? Some people might find it helpful to write or draw their routines out, while others use apps like Move Mood. You could even agree to check in with a friend to keep each other motivated.

2. Set some goals

Since September, you’ve been working towards goals like learning skills, coursework and finishing homework – so it’s not surprising if the summer holiday leaves you feeling a little lost and without purpose!

The good news is that over the summer holidays, you can set your own goals. What interests you?

Goals don’t have to be complex – it could be as simple as exploring your local area with a friend, learning a new recipe, or tidying your room so you have a calm space to work next academic year. You could even make a ‘summer bucket list’ that you’d like to aim to complete before September.

If you’re stuck for inspiration, check out these five ways to wellbeing. Can you come up with a summer holiday wellbeing goal related to each?

3. Make the most of opportunities locally or online

You can google ‘summer holiday activities for young people in [your local area]’ to see what’s going on. If you’re in North West London, there are links to youth groups and other activities on our new borough pages.

Nothing interesting happening near you? Thanks to the internet, you can access loads of free courses. FutureLearn has over 1,000 free courses on diverse topics including video game character design, ecology and wildlife conservation, and Norwegian. Find out how to join a free course on the FutureLearn website.

If you’re up for giving something back, you might be able to volunteer! The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) website has ideas for virtual or remote volunteering. You can also find volunteering roles through the Team London website.

4. Be aware of social media

Don’t fall into a social media sinkhole this summer. You might want to post some of your summer highlights so you can look back on your favourite memories or use social media to find out about cool opportunities in your area – but try to be aware of how much you’re using social media and how it’s making you feel.

If you’re worried about how much time you’re spending online, you can find out how to manage how you spend time on your phone on the Google website or iOS website.

We also have content about what to do if you’re struggling with body image this summer, or if you come across distressing content online

5. Coping with worries

Some people find that having more free time over the summer holiday makes it harder to manage worries and spiralling thoughts. You might feel unsure about events over summer (like holidays or meeting up with friends) or even about coming back to school in September.

Different people prefer to manage these feelings in different ways.

Some people like to use apps – you can find apps that help with anxiety on the Best For You website. Every app in the app library has been checked to make sure it’s trustworthy and safe.

Making a self-soothe box can help people manage anxiety and other difficult feelings. You could include a list of activities you can do to soothe your body, like watching a favourite TV show or spending time outside.

Most people feel anxious sometimes – it’s part of how our brains prepare us to manage stressful events. It’s really normal to feel worried or unsure about big changes, like changing schools or moving to university. But if you’re feeling worried or panicky all the time, or it’s getting in the way of your daily life, then you might be experiencing an anxiety disorder. If you think you might have an anxiety disorder, it’s a good idea to speak to an adult you trust about getting support.

Summer Self-Care Plan...

Self-care is all about what you can do to help yourself feel better or to keep yourself feeling good. It’s a way that we can look after our own mental health and wellbeing.

Everyone’s approach to self-care will look different. What works for you might not work for others. There are lots of different self-care strategies so you can try out different ones until you find something that works for you.

This resource walks young people through a series of steps, helping them create a detailed self-care plan that works for them.

The plan helps young people identify activities that they can use to support their mental health. It’s adaptable on a weekly or monthly basis, so that it can fit differing schedules or priorities.

View the self-care plan now

My name is Emma Elgie and I am your Student Wellbeing Practitioner

I am very passionate about supporting students to make improvements to their mental health and wellbeing, so if you have any worries or would like to discuss your mental health and wellbeing please do not hesitate to get in touch. No worry is too small, so please speak up if you need some support.

You can find the my room, The Retreat, towards the front of the school, just to the left of the bike storage area. I run drop-in sessions at the following times, so please feel free to pop in for a chat in a nice calm, relaxed environment. 

You can also email me at if you would like some advice, guidance, self-help leaflets or to arrange a face to face meeting. 

I also offer a wide range of interventions focusing on issues such as anxiety, low mood, exam stress reduction sleep, self-esteem, body image, self-harm and emotional coaching. If you feel you are in need of support in one or more of these areas, please speak to your Year Manager first and they will then refer you to me. We are then likely to meet on a weekly basis over 6-8 weeks to complete some sessions together with the aim of supporting you in making positive changes to your mental health. 

Sometimes asking for help is the bravest move you can make. You don't have to go it alone!

Have an amazing day and I look forward to meeting you :)