Selby Challenge

Welcome to the Selby Challenge... 

As a school we like to encourage and reward those pupils who set themselves additional challenges above and beyond what is expected of them in their school career.  

We have designed the Selby Challenge so that those students who experience new tasks, get involved in activities and opportunities outside of their daily lessons, and rise to the challenge of doing new things are recognised.

Using the website you will see some of the challenges you might chose whilst you are in Year 7 and Year 8.

The Selby Challenge is an opportunity  for you to choose a challenge of your choice and to be supported by your friends and teachers to achieve it. 

For those of you who are unsure of what it might be that you would like to do there are some ideas on the forthcoming pages that might help. 

These new experiences have been organised into five types of challenge:

The variety of challenges that have been given as examples have been chosen by pupils and staff alike. 

Whilst doing these challenges you will also be developing some great skills and qualities that you can take forward in life.  As these skills and qualities improve, staff in school will be able to recognise these and issue rewards. 

The Challenges

Completing personal challenge will result in you being rewarded with positives for each challenge completed. In addition to this you will be awarded additional  rewards for completing the key milestones during the course of each academic year. E.G:

The whole ethos behind the Selby Challenge is that you take control and direct the challenges and opportunities each year for yourself . We want you to say to yourself, “Challenge ME!”