ABout us

Our VIsion

We are a ripple effect of empowered individuals who disrupt generational trends within the Alameda County child welfare system and bring joy and agency to the greater SF Bay Area and beyond.

Our Mission

Seen52 seeks to meet the needs of young people impacted by the child welfare system by providing a joyful, stable environment, trauma-informed community, and meaningful learning pathways so that every participant is empowered with the knowledge necessary for thriving, healthy independence.

Guiding Principles


No Size Fits All

Every person is unique and deserves options to make learning meaningful. Learning at Seen52 occurs with the guidance of advisors and educators who cultivate agency, self-advocacy, and informed decision-making.

Fail Forward

Failure often holds heavier consequences for some and is a privilege for others. We bridge this inequity gap by de-stigmatizing and normalizing failure. Beyond growth mindset, we provide the resources and space to experiment, fail, process, and try again.


Center Care

We build liberatory spaces by applying mindfulness, reflection, and self-care within a context of interdependence and accompliceship instead of treating students as both the worker and the product.

All Hands on Deck

Every stakeholder - students, staff, family members, child welfare workers, therapists - is needed and has voice in this work. We collaborate in a spirit of mutual appreciation and respect.


Hope Critically**

This work is not easy. Yet within the bounds of our control, we seek to grow in our own understanding of macro-factors so that we can create environments of hope and joy where students can thrive.

**concept from Dr. Jose Duncan-Andrade

Seen 52

Every student is seen and loved all year round. It may look and feel different at different times, but every teaching decision, every consequence, every celebration, every project must be implemented through a lens of seeing a child and loving them.

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