Miss Valyo's Classroom

"Technology will not replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational."

Welcome parents, students and friends of Blessed Francis Seelos Academy! My name is Miss Hayley Valyo and I am the new Computer & Technology Teacher for the 2018-2019 school year.

My philosophy on teaching computers and technology is to foster digital citizenship within my students, meet grade-appropriate learning objectives and targets, and fulfill Diocese of Pittsburgh and International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) standards. The topic of digital citizenship as a way of "thinking, being and acting online" will be a continuous conversation in my classroom throughout the year to ensure that all of my students have the tools and strategies to use technology safely, ethically and efficiently.

I will encourage students to actively participate in their education through the use of technology not only in my computer classroom, but through cross-curricular projects with other teachers throughout the year. My expectation is that my students will be tech-savvy, model digital citizens who can take what their learn into their homes and communities. Please see my "Classroom Goals and Objectives" page for more detailed information on the topics I intend to cover this year.

Best way to reach me before, during, or immediately after-school hours: If you have any questions, concerns or comments throughout the school year, please do not hesitate to contact me at hvalyo@seelosacademy.org.