SAP (Student Assistance Program) is designed to identify students that are struggling with an array of issues including mental health, emotional, family, academic, issues with peers, low self-esteem, bullying, poor decision making, and at risk behaviors. At risk behaviors include, but are not limited to, tobacco use, alcohol, drugs, sexual activity or illegal behaviors.

The SAP goal is to remove any barriers that may hinder a student's success; academically, physically, mentally and emotionally so they are successful in both their school and personal careers.


The following behaviors are appropriate for a SAP referral:

  • Academic decline

  • Frequent visits to nurse and/or school counselor

  • Decreased attention span

  • Observable expressions of anger, tears

  • Bullying behavior or frequently being bullied

  • Frequent peer conflicts

  • Observable behaviors such as overheard conversations about alcohol or other drugs, parties where drugs were present, or fears about a fellow student’s use of mood altering substances. Smell similar to marijuana on a student and/or belongings

  • Observable behaviors such as overheard conversations about feeling very sad or depressed

  • Observing a significant weight loss or weight gain

  • Observing frequent trips to the restroom

  • Observing a distinct behavior change or change of friends

  • Observing a drug-related or satanic-related language or drawings

  • Observing glassy eyes, red eyes, agitation, loss of interest in academic and extracurricular activities, rash around nose/mouth, chemical smell


To complete a SAP Referral, please use the following link:

If you are not sure if an issue would warrant a SAP referral, please do not hesitate to contact your school counselor to inquire if your concern is appropriate for SAP. If it is not appropriate for SAP, we will guide you in what course of action you can take to address your concern.

Additional Questions? Contact your School Counselor!