When My Child is Sick


Is My Child Sick? Should I Send My Child to School?

One of the problems most often confronting parents of school age children occurs when a child doesn't seem to be feeling well on a school day. A decision must be made as to whether the child stays home or goes to school. What do you do? How do you make the right decision? You don't want to keep them home if they really aren't sick, but you also don't want to send a sick child to school. The following information is designed to provide basic guidelines for you - if you have questions, contact your doctor for a professional opinion.

  • A fever is a warning that all is not right with the body. The best way to check for fever is with a thermometer. No child with a temperature of 100 ° or higher should be sent to school. A child should be fever free for 24 hours, without medication to reduce the fever, before they return to school.

  • The common cold presents the most frequent problem to parents. A child with a heavy cold and a hacking cough belongs home in bed, even though they have no fever. If your child complains or has symptoms of a sore throat, do not send them to school. If white spots can be seen in the back of the throat or if the throat is unusually red and a fever is present, call your doctor.

  • A rash may be the first sign of one of childhood's many illnesses. A rash, or "spots", may cover the entire body or may appear in only one area. Do not send a child with a rash to school until your doctor has said that it is safe to do so. A physician's note is required upon returning to school.

  • A stomach ache which is persistent or severe enough to limit your child's activity should be monitored at home by the parent. If vomiting occurs, keep your child home until they can keep food down for 24 hours. A child with diarrhea should also be kept at home. Call your doctor if improvement does not occur within a reasonably short period of time.

  • Toothaches, earaches, and severe headaches require medical attention.

  • Do not send your child to school if they were up all night crying for no apparent reason. Assess your child carefully if they refuse to eat breakfast or are unusually clingy or irritable.

Children are known to have been kept home from school for reasons other than illness. Unnecessary absences from school may have a bad effect on a student's attitude, work habits and progress.